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Future Dystopia Project

By Bryce Summers


I set up a trello board, where I planned out all of the work that will need to be done and started collecting my thoughts on my story and presentation.


Narrative Timeline of Influences

My theme is external motivation and the experience of work. Click on buttons to see some threads in my narrative.

2017 - Collegiate Diploma.

Appropriation Material

I came up with 20 ideas for appropriation material over the past week.

Adapting the Appropriation Material.

Using the SCAMPER technique, here are some new ideas.


Object Prototyping Week 1

During the first week, I laser cut a prototype in the form of a life diploma. While actual life diplomas would detail the accomplishments of a single person's life, this prototype was meant to demonstrate several of the different branching paths that a person could take in their life. In this manner, my prototype served as a representation for both the life diploma objects and the story that I will be telling through an interactive narrative.


For this week I worked on 4 main things:

You can play the experience here. Below is a screenshot of how the experience looked at the time of this writing.

I've also started iterating on my songs. Sixteen Tons Rendition. Thank the Lord for the Life I've Lived.

Play the current experience here!


Prototype 3 - Songs

This week I focused on infusing story into the work. I first planned out a story in this google document and I did some rudimentary storyboarding.


I then worked on my composition and lyrics for around 10 songs. Some songs like The Path of Logic and Math as well as Stay Close to your Dreams. don't have many lyrics beyond general introductions that set the tones for the pieces. Below are the lyrics to the songs that I've written (or adapted from a very articulate homeless genetleman on the J Train).


Here are this weeks recordings of the 10 or so songs.

The Third Prototype

You can play the experience here. Most of the images are placeholders and will need some work. I may go about illustrating the story, since I'm not liking the images that I am seeing online. I will also need to work out quite a bit of timing.


Prototype 4 - Harmonies

This week, I brought Jason Connors into the Bushwick Studio with his guitar and we layed down groovy iterations of 3 of the songs:

Narrative Pacing and Structure

I've iterated the Interactive Narrative Experience structure based on feedback. I've synchronized my introductory audio recording with visual content now so that the story is more apparent.

You can play the experience here.

Visual Culture

I've started a visual culture for the story and have realized it by starting a collection of illustrations that are shown during the story.

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