
People I Work With

Person About Person About
Bryce Summers
Bryce likes to represent the structures and systems of reality and present them in clarified visual forms for human learners.
More concretly, he is a Game Designer, Visual self-expression algorithm designer, Media Artist, and bassoon player, and more.
Future Person This is a future person with a knack for visual design.
Future Person This is a future person who is an expert in Computer Graphics pedegogy. Future Person This is a future person who is an expert in Transportation Engineering.
Future Person This is a future person who is an expert in trying to learn Computer Graphics, who has views on the pragmatic needs of students. Future Person This is a future person who is an expert in Instructional Design.
Future Person This is a future person who loves animation. Future Person This is a future person who is interested in Augmented Reality and/or transferring experiences between print, animation, and modeling.

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