/* *Here is the well commented and explained version of the QUINE code, * written in the Bryce Summers plotter language. * This Bryce Summers plotter language code was written by Bryce Summers. */ # P represents a text repository function that provids strings that may be printed through the contrived syntex of the Bryce Summers plotter language. | P: 0| "P:" 1| "." 2| "L:" # Lambda Function. 3| ">"" 4| "i" 5| ">"" 6| "." 7| "P[0]" 8| "L[P[0,10]]" 9| "P[1]" 10| "P[2,10]" | . # L represents a simple lambda function for mapping inputs to their enclosed quotation. # Perhaps L stands for Lambda? # >X means type X. | L: 0| >" 1| i 2| >" 3| . P[0] # Opening code of P function. L[P[0, 10]]# Print the strings in quotations, using the L lambda expression. P[1] # Print the closing '.' at the end of P. P[2, 10] # Print L and these final operation commands. */ /* Here is the condensed real version of the quine code, without comments and line numberings. P: "P:" "." "L:" ">"" "i" ">"" "." "P[0]" "L[P[0,10]]" "P[1]" "P[2,10]" . L: >" i >" . P[0] L[P[0, 10]] P[1] P[2, 10] */