
Computer Science Writings

This page links to portions of my written work regarding Computer Science and perhaps even some Programming.

Slides Written for ITP 100: Programming Logic and Design at The Northern Virginia Community College. Spring 2019.

I wrote these while an Adjunct Professor at NOVA. They are meant to discuss some of the visual character and fundamental nature of programming topics such as while loops and for loops.
  1. Loops.
  2. For Loops. Coming soon?

Slides written about Computer Graphics

I started writing powerpoints about Computer Graphics in the Spring of 2016 for my project ignite group and out of independant personal interest.
  1. Intro to Image Rendering and Sampling
  2. 3D Rasterization

Short illuminations

Short writings meant to showcase metephors of perspectives for concepts.
  1. Recursive Arithmetic
  2. Humane Numbers

Slides Written for 15-462: Intro To Computer Graphics at Carnegie Mellon University

I wrote these presentations to highlight certain portions of the 15-462 curriculum at a midterm review session and a final review session. I was working within a team of 3 Teaching Assistants, so I was only responsible for covering roughly 1 third of the material. Since these powerpoint were from review sessions, they lack many important details and are meant more for reminding people of the main ideas in the course, rather than introducing new technical information to them.
  1. Primitive Based Geometry: Thoughts on geometric representation.
  2. Animation and Simulation.

Slides Written for 15-121: Intro To Data Structures in Java at Carnegie Mellon University

I originally wrote these slides for use in weekly presentations at recitations. With that in mind, they were initially written for use in supplementing my dramatic presentation, but I have been gradually converting them into a form more suitable for readers that do not have the benefit of having me in the room to present the material.
  1. Arrays.
  2. Linked Lists.
  3. Stacks, Queues, and Dequeues.
  4. Stacks and Queues Worksheet
  5. Recursive Algorithms.
  6. Big O Analysis.
  7. Abstraction and Object Oriented Programming.
  8. Searching and Sorting Algorithms.
  9. Sorting Algorithms Review Sheet.
  10. Binary Search Trees.
  11. Binary Search Tree Transversals and Representation Conversions.
  12. Sets, Iteration, and Maps
  13. Heaps.
  14. Hash Tables.
  15. Graphs.

Assignments Invented

  1. Maze Searching (Work in Progress, needs documentation).

Papers, Articles, Guides

Undergraduate Thesis Presentation
Bryce's C++ Programming Guide
Blog Screenshot Lock-Free Union Find Structures and Maze Generation Algorithms.
Topological Recomputations (Not very Well Written).

Interactive Websites

Blog Screenshot Sorting Algorithm Visualization.

Mathematical Art Presentations

Placeholder Image Presentation : Hump Yard.
Placeholder Image Presentation : Mathematical Art
Placeholder Image Presentation : The Beauty of Mathematical Rendering


Bryce's Computer Science Book. Download 6/8/2015 draft version.